Home Essentials Condoms Delay Condoms Durex Mutual Pleasure Condoms 16 Pack

Durex Mutual Pleasure Condoms 16 Pack

Ribbed condoms delaying male orgasm

Code:  190185

16 vrúbkovaných kondómov s rezervoárom značky Durex. S lubrikantom obsahujúcim benzokaín (5 %) pre oddialenie vyvrcholenia muža, vyrobené z prírodného latexu, priehľadné, Easy-On tvar, dermatologicky a 100% elektronicky testované. Nominálna šírka 56 mm. Detailed description

15.90 €
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Durex Mutual Pleasure Condoms 16 Pack

Durex Mutual Pleasure Condoms 16 Pack

Ribbed condoms delaying male orgasm

15.90 €
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DUREX: DU rability, R eliability, EX cellence since 1929

Durex Mutual Pleasure ribbed condoms are designed to bring you a long-lasting intense experience. The Performa lubricant containing benzocaine helps slow him down. Easy-On shape for better fit. The specific way Durex makes its Mutual Pleasure condoms means they smell better, so there will be no unpleasant distractions, you can just relax and enjoy.

Nominal width 56 mm. A cost-effective packaging of 16 pcs.


Code 190185
Brand Durex
Condom features Delaying, Ribbed
Material Latex
Nominal width (mm) 56
Original name Durex Mutual Pleasure 16 Pack
Package content (pcs) 16
Weight (g) 72
EAN 5052197053104
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